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  • Writer's picturePatrick Law

The Science Behind Designing Biological Treatment Systems for the Oil and Gas Industry

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

The process engineering industry, particularly the oil and gas sector, produces a significant amount of wastewater, which requires treatment to avoid environmental damage. Biological treatment systems are an effective and sustainable way of treating such wastewater. The design of a biological treatment system is a complex process that involves several variables. In this article, we'll discuss the science behind designing biological treatment systems for the oil and gas industry.

Step 1: The Design Equation

The design equation for biological treatment systems is as follows:



  • 𝑁𝑢 is the number of microorganisms required,

  • 𝑆 is the substrate concentration,

  • 𝑋(𝑡) is the biomass concentration at time 𝑡,

  • 𝐾𝐷(𝑠) is the substrate saturation constant, and

  • 𝑡 is the time.

The variables in this equation are interconnected and affect the performance of the biological treatment system. For example, a high substrate concentration can lead to a decrease in the number of microorganisms required for treatment. However, a low substrate concentration can limit the growth of microorganisms.

Step 2: Appropriate Types of Biological Treatment Systems

The appropriate type of biological treatment system depends on the situation. For the oil and gas industry, the most commonly used types of biological treatment systems are activated sludge systems, sequencing batch reactors, and anaerobic digestion systems. Activated sludge systems are ideal for removing organic matter and suspended solids. Sequencing batch reactors are effective for removing nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. Anaerobic digestion systems are suitable for treating high-strength wastewater and producing biogas.

Step 3: Estimated Cost

The cost of designing a biological treatment system for the oil and gas industry varies depending on the size and complexity of the system. However, a rough estimate for a small-scale system can be around $10,000 to $50,000. For a large-scale system, the cost can go up to $1 million or more.


Designing biological treatment systems for the oil and gas industry requires a deep understanding of the variables involved in the process. By using the design equation and appropriate types of biological treatment systems, engineers can create effective and sustainable solutions for treating wastewater. While the cost of designing such systems can be significant, the benefits to the environment and public health are invaluable.

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