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  • Writer's picturePatrick Law

Riding High on Gas: Innovations in Gas Flotation Equipment for Process Engineering

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

Gas flotation is a common method used in the oil and gas industry to separate oil and gas from produced water. The gas flotation process involves injecting gas bubbles into the produced water, which then attach to the oil droplets and cause them to rise to the surface for removal. To achieve this, a well-designed gas flotation equipment is necessary. In this blog post, we will discuss the steps involved in designing a gas flotation equipment for the process engineering industry.

Step 1: Design equation for gas flotation equipment

The design equation for gas flotation equipment is a combination of various parameters, including the size of the equipment, gas injection rate, retention time, and water flow rate. The equation is as follows:

Vg = (Qw/Qg) x (L/D) x t


Vg = Volume of gas required (ft3)

Qw = Water flow rate (bbl/day)

Qg = Gas injection rate (SCF/bbl)

L/D = Length to diameter ratio

t = Retention time (minutes)

In simple terms, the design equation states that the volume of gas required to achieve efficient gas flotation is dependent on the water flow rate, gas injection rate, length to diameter ratio, and retention time.

Step 2: Types of gas flotation equipment used in the oil and gas industry

There are several types of gas flotation equipment used in the oil and gas industry, including horizontal, vertical, and compact gas flotation units. Horizontal units are commonly used in offshore applications, while vertical units are commonly used in onshore applications. Compact gas flotation units are relatively new and are designed to provide a smaller footprint while maintaining high separation efficiency.

Step 3: Estimated cost of designing a gas flotation equipment

The cost of designing a gas flotation equipment for the oil and gas industry varies depending on several factors, such as the size of the unit, materials used, and complexity of the design. However, the estimated cost for designing a gas flotation equipment ranges from $50,000 to $500,000.


Designing a gas flotation equipment for the oil and gas industry requires a thorough understanding of the design equation, appropriate types of equipment for various situations, and the estimated cost. A well-designed gas flotation equipment can help to reduce the environmental impact of the oil and gas industry by efficiently separating oil and gas from produced water.

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